Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! A couple of days ago was the anniversary of Hank Williams death. He passed away in 1953 at the age of 29, only six years after releasing his debut single.

You wouldn’t think a six-year career would be very memorable considering so many artists have been around for decades, but Hank left a huge impact on country music.

There have been so many tribute songs to Hank that there is a Wikipedia page titled “Tributes to Hank Williams.” For example, Alan Jackson released “Midnight in Montgomery,” Keith Whitley had a song called “I’ve Done Everything Hank Did But Die,” and so many other artists have put out tribute songs to Hank.

To this day, Hank is still referenced in hit country songs. Florida Georgia Line sang about old school Haggard and Hank in “Long Live” and Tyler Farr sang about cranking up a little Hank in “Redneck Crazy.” Carrie Underwood even mentions Hank in her album cut “Ghost on the Stereo” when she sings “I’m having a ball with Hank, Haggard, and Jones.”

Hank Williams jr references his dad in many songs. He even collaborated with an old demo of his dad singing “There’s a Tear in My Beer,” which won Hank jr his only Grammy Award.

It’s crazy how much of an impact Hank had on country music considering he died at such a young age, but his music inspired so many people during his short career that his music continues to live on.

Thanks for reading. I’ll be back soon!