Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! About a month ago, I was scrolling through Facebook reels, and videos of a girl named Emmy Moyen singing a song called “Prayer Requests” kept popping up. “Prayer Requests” is a song about the gossip that goes on in small town churches.

The song starts by talking about a group of women having a Bible study and how they go over all the gossip they heard over the past week, so the others can keep these people in their prayers, and also call up all of their friends to tell them about everything so they can pray as well.

This song was written so well and she has such a good voice. Emmy also just released her second single called “Crazy ‘Cause of You,” which is another great song.

I think Emmy has a bright future ahead of her. She is very talented and this is just the beginning for her. Please go check out her music. It is available on any streaming platform.

Thanks for reading. I’ll be back soon!


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