Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! Hardy and Lainey Wilson just released their duet “Wait in the Truck,” and it is one of the darkest songs of 2022. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if this song gets banned from the radio. I will explain why.


The storyline of this song is Lainey is being abused by her boyfriend. And Hardy finds her with bruises and blood all over her. He assumes it was a man who did this to her, so instead of asking her a bunch of questions, all he asks her is where he was. Hardy then goes and shoots the man who abused her. (Not a true story by the way.) Like I said, this is probably one of the darkest songs of the year. So I want to talk about this storyline, because there’s a lot going on in this song.


Let’s start with the beginning of the song. Hardy finds Lainey with bruises and blood all over her. The best part of the whole song is the fact that he sees her like this and all he wants to do is help her and her situation. Obviously there are better ways to handle a situation like this one, but on the bright side, she never has to go back to that again. I’m not saying killing him was the right thing to do, but I guess the songwriter thought it was.


I like the chorus of the song, because Lainey sings the woman’s perspective  of this story. She basically says the only thing that matters is that she never has to go back to her abusive boyfriend. Like I said earlier, there are other ways that situation could be handled, but I didn’t write the song.


There are a lot of other things I could say about this song, but I just want to take a minute to talk about the song overall. It has a good sound and the vocals are really good too. I’ve never heard a song with a storyline like this before, which is both good and bad. Like I said in beginning, it wouldn’t surprise me if this song would get banned from the radio, because it’s not okay for people to sing about dark subjects on the radio anymore. It would no longer be okay for Johnny Cash to sing about shooting a man in Reno just to watch him die. But times change and we have to go along with it.


Let me know your thoughts on this song. Thanks for reading, I’ll be back soon!

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