Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! Today country music suffered a huge loss. Loretta Lynn passed away this morning at the age of 90. It was very shocking to hear this news because just a couple weeks ago she was celebrating 60 years as a member of the “Grand Ole Opry.” So it was very surprising to hear this news so soon after she celebrated that.


Loretta had such an amazing country music career, and she has released so many songs that will never be forgotten by her millions of fans. I have said this in previous blog posts but it is worth saying again, Loretta didn’t worry about singing songs the radio would play. She sang what she wanted to sing and it didn’t matter if the radio played it or not. Loretta had more songs banned from the radio than every male country singer combined in the twentieth century. That never bothered her though, because she said she writes what she feels. That is what I like about Loretta, she wasn’t afraid to sing songs that the radio would never play.


Please keep Loretta’s family in your prayers, and please go listen to her music to remember how many amazing songs she has released in her long career. I wish I wasn’t talking about something so sad today, but I promise I will be back talking about something happy soon. Thanks for reading.