Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! Bro country has become a popular trend in country music in the past nine years. I’m sure some of you are familiar with bro country, but for those of you who aren’t, I’ll explain it to you.
Bro country is a trend that started in country music around 2013 when Florida Georgia Line started to get really popular. FGL brought a new style to country music. They sang generic country songs about trucks, women, beer, and dirt roads, but for the most part they didn’t sing about too deep of subjects. Obviously this was nothing new in country music, because these are subjects that people always sing about in country music. It was more the way FGL presented themselves. They were just two young guys singing about typical things young guys do. Since people fell in love with their style of country music, lots of other young guys started to copy what FGL was doing. This is how bro country became a trend in country music.
Because other guys started to copy what FGL was doing, every song on the radio sung by a man started to sound the same. People started to get tired of the lack of creativity in country music, and someone finally came up with a name for it, and that’s where the term bro country came from.
If you like country songs that make you feel something, then you probably didn’t like this trend in country music, but if you just like feel good party songs that don’t have a deep meaning to them, then you probably loved this trend in country music. My personal opinion on this is, this was the most uncreative time in country music, because people were just copying what someone else was doing to be successful. I don’t feel that’s right, because even if you take credit for what someone else did it doesn’t mean you did it. I think overall bro country has some really good sounding songs, but they just aren’t that creative.
Thanks for reading, I’ll be back soon!
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