Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! Carly Pearce just released her fourth studio album, “Hummingbird.” I, personally, think this is the best album so far in her career. Today, I am going to talk about some of my favorite songs on the album.

The first song I want to talk about is “Still Blue.” Based on the title of this song, you would think it would be a sad song, but actually, it’s about moving on from a relationship. The chorus says, “The sky was still blue after you left. Sun still rose, sun still set. And I went out on the town with no regrets in my Levi jeans, still blue. Thinking your world was my world too. Thinking forever, I’d be hung up on you. Well, it’s not your fault if that’s what you thought, but honey, I’m not still blue.”

The next song I want to talk about is “Rock Paper Scissors.” I think this is the most creative song on the album. She took the concept of the kid’s game “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and turned it into a song about moving on from divorce. In the song she sings, “He bought a rock, we signed the paper, now I’m taking a pair of scissors to the pictures and the brand-new bedsheets from the night we said I do.” 

Even though most of the album is still about moving on from divorce, she does sing about finding love again in the song “Trust Issues.” A line I really like in this song is, “Haven’t even said I love you, but I’m thinking that I want to. ‘Cause you’re making me forget whoever gave me these trust issues.”

If you haven’t yet, I would recommend listening to this album. If you have already, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments. Thanks for reading. I’ll be back soon!