Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! March 5 marked 60 years since we lost country music stars Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins, and Cowboy Copas in a plane crash. Most people remember that day because of Patsy, and I think she is one of the greatest country singers of all time. But I think we forget about the other people involved in the crash.

Both Hawkshaw and Cowboy had pretty great careers, even though they didn't last as long as they should've. They both released their debut singles in 1946, and they each only had one number one song. Hawkshaw also had five other top ten songs, and Cowboy had nine other top ten songs.

March 5, 1963, was such a tragic day for country music fans. At the time, all three of these singers were popular. Through the years, though, Patsy's music has been remembered more than Hawkshaw and Cowboy's. It's not that Patsy was the only one who had good music. It's just for some reason, Patsy is more well remembered.

I think it's a shame that people have forgotten about Hawkshaw and Cowboy because they are both good singers.

Thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think. I'll be back soon!