Welcome back to country music 4 ever! Today I am going to talk about women not being played much on country radio. I know this is a subject that no one wants to talk about because really there’s nothing you can do about it unless you are a radio programmer. I want to take a different approach to this though. Instead of complaining about it I just want to share with you why I think women are not played much on the radio.

After doing some research I found something that the radio does not want you to know. They have secret unwritten rules about playing women on the radio. The first rule is that women should not take up more than fifteen percent of country airplay, and the second rule is that you should never play two women back to back on country radio. Since these rules are not written down not every country station follows them but most of them do. I am going to go over a couple reasons that I think these rules are still being used today.

The first reason is a long time ago back when Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn were popular there weren’t many female country singers, so it would make sense for the radio not to play two women back to back. Also since there weren’t many females on the radio at the time, they probably didn’t make up more then fifteen percent of airplay. The thing I don’t understand is why these rules never changed over the years. The only thing I can think of is that the radio got stuck in its ways just like people do, and never had a reason to change. I’m sure we will never know the true reason behind these rules because nobody wants to talk about them. For me I don’t really care if there are five women on the radio or if there are fifty women on the radio because as a fan, the thing I care about most is the songs. I’m sure this is how it is with everyone, if you hear a good song you don’t really care who sings it, you just know the song is good and that’s all that matters.

Thanks for taking the time to read this I would love to hear your thoughts on this and also if you have any ideas for a future blog you would like me to do let me know. Goodbye for now I’ll be back soon!