Welcome back to Country Music 4 Ever! Today, I am going to talk about HunterGirl's new song, “Lonely Outta You.” While she was on “American Idol,” Hunter heard some of her fellow contestants struggle with expressing their emotions on national television, especially the men. In an interview, Hunter explained, “When you're on American Idol, you have to talk about your emotions and your story. A lot of the guys said, 'How are you showing your emotions on TV? I get nervous opening up.' That's when I got the idea.”

Hunter turned the idea into a love song about a man who doesn't want to open up because he had his heart broken, but she wants to show him he can love again. The chorus of the song says, “I wanna love the lonely outta you. Do whatever whoever didn't do. Pick up the pieces that they broke. Hold you like I won't let go. If you want me to, I wanna love the lonely outta you.” This is one of my favorite songs by HunterGirl.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back soon!

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